Fees and Charges
Health Services Bill Payment
Online payments are for services rendered at the BYUH Health Center only. Payments for outside providers, such as Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Kahuku Medical Center, or other specialists, should not be included in your payment. Do not include any payments for your BYUH student account; including new student vaccine charges.
Please pay only the amount due. For balance due or questions about your bill, call (808) 675-3510
DMBA Student Medical Benefits Plan
All full-time students are enrolled in the BYU–Hawaii Student Medical Benefits Plan at no extra cost. Those who drop below a full-time credit load will automatically lose their medical coverage the semester they did not qualify. Your health care will be managed by the BYU–Hawaii Health Services medical staff. Most care is provided at the Health Center, but specialty care may be referred to our panel of providers. Each eligible Health Center visit co-payment is $10. You are responsible for 30% of the cost of formulary prescription drugs. Care received outside the Health Center requires a referral and prior authorization, and your co-payment is $25 plus 20% of charges. The co-payment for an emergency room visit is $50 plus 20% of all charges. For a full explanation of student plan benefits, consult the DMBA Student Health Plan Handbook.
Private Insurance
Students who choose not to use the BYU–Hawaii Student Medical Benefits Plan should carefully review the terms and conditions of their private medical insurance. There are many different types of plans, and many do not cover care in Hawaii or may require high deductibles to be met. Other plans may have requirements that make it difficult to receive medical care here.
If the student would like to use their own private insurance, they must contact the Student Medical Benefit to waive their student plan. The BYU–Hawaii Health Center does not take private insurance so the student would need to arrange for a physician or clinic through their private insurance company. Students who have waived coverage may re-enroll at the next open enrollment period: once a year prior to Fall Semester.
Students who have waived the Student Medical Benefits Plan may use services available at the Health Center but cannot be referred out for any laboratory, radiology, or specialty care. The cost for each visit would be a $10 copay and prescription medications would need to be purchased at an outside pharmacy at the student's expense.