BYU–Hawaii Health and Wellness
Recently, BYU–Hawaii called a church service missionary to coordinate health and wellness initiatives and messaging to students, faculty, and staff. In the past, some health promotion efforts have been aimed at faculty and staff through the Human Resources department and Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators.
Additionally, the medical department and Counseling Services have sought to meet the health needs of primarily the students, while those students taking classes in the exercise and physical education department have had the opportunity to study health and wellness. The peacekeeping major has also helped students in becoming more mindful of stress management components. The purpose of this short article is to coordinate and offer health and wellness activities for the students, faculty, and staff and thereby foster lifelong personal health behaviors that will improve the quality and lifespan of everyone.

The Importance of Physical Fitness
Today at BYU–Hawaii, we no longer have varsity sports instilling lifelong exercise habits and most graduates and employees will have jobs demanding about the same amount of physical exertion as that of bus drivers. Along with intramurals and current healthy lifestyle messages, we need to instill an atmosphere that encourages healthy lifestyle behaviors now and into the future. Take a look at this summary:
Active and Mindful Living Can Add Years To Your Life
So what are the recommendations? Activities – Frequency – Intensity -- Duration!

The Importance of Diet and Nutrition
The American lifestyle portrayed to the rest of the world on theatre and TV screens and in exported products is one of fast food consumption of high-calorie, densely-packed carbohydrate and animal products. For the past 35 years, Americans have realized a growing epidemic of obesity in adults and children. The CDC released that during August 2021–August 2023, the prevalence of obesity in adults in the U.S. was 40.3%. The incidence of obesity in children aged 2-19 has more than tripled since the 1970s, with approximately 20% of these children now obese.
Consequently, there is a growing epidemic of diabetes in the United States and elsewhere in the world. The same survey of obesity in the world found the Polynesian islanders as having the highest rates of obesity, with 40% of adults now obese. Now is the time for the BYU–Hawaii community to better understand healthy eating foods, diet, and portion control. Take a look at the following:
Understanding Nutrition: Eat Smart for a Healthy Heart
Healthy Living Cookbook

The Importance of Stress Management and Sleep
Most people have never been exposed to stress management techniques that can prevent the fight-or-flight response that shuts down the immune system and aggravates cardiovascular disease. Yoga, meditation, and progressive relaxation techniques can even help reverse heart disease. Not surprisingly, the restored gospel includes all the elements needed to live a healthy and productive life.
The word of wisdom spells out key elements of diet; the sweat of our brows shows the expectation for exercising in our workday; loving our enemies and turning the other cheek reduces stress along with meditating for direction in our lives. Other unhealthy behaviors that are becoming increasingly prevalent are depression, prescription pain-killer addiction leading to overdosing on heroin, and gun violence. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, Counseling Services
The intention of our efforts at BYU–Hawaii will be to provide opportunities and reminders to incorporate healthy lifestyle behaviors more fully in our lives. Individuals who get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night live longer and are healthier.

The Importance of Relationships
People who are married live longer and report having more meaningful lives. Support groups help increase the likelihood of surviving difficult circumstances and making lifestyle behavioral changes. Social media doesn’t provide the support many people seek.
A recent study by faculty at BYU–Idaho found that the more time people spent on social media each day, the lonelier they reported feeling. To avoid this, try to join groups that meet together and do things you enjoy. Here at BYU–Hawaii there are various resources available for students to help get out more often. Check out the University Events page